Patients in a dental emergency should remember that they need immediate treatment to address their dental problems. 

A dental emergency can be anything from extreme tooth pain to infection, a broken tooth, a lost filling, bleeding gums or mouth, a knocked-out tooth, or dental infections. Whatever the emergency may be, quick action is crucial.

Prompt treatment ensures that the emergency dentist alleviates pain, addresses potential dental complications, and prevents further damage.

Emergency dentistry ensures that patients get emergency dental care for severe toothaches and all dental situations.

Thus, it is important to have access to emergency dental services to maintain optimum oral health, especially during dental emergencies.

Call the Colorado Springs Emergency Dental Squad immediately when you have a dental emergency. We take emergency dentistry to the next level and can provide you with immediate emergency dental care when you need it.

First Aid Tips During Dental Emergencies

Picture of Colorado Springs emergency dentists clinicWhen emergency dentists are unavailable, patients must know some first-aid tips to alleviate pain and avoid further damage.

Here are a few steps to take when faced with a dental emergency.

Severe Toothache

A rinse of warm water and salt can relieve severe toothaches. If you have access to over-the-counter pain medication, this could also help.

When facial swelling occurs, a cold compress or ice pack pressed against the impacted area can reduce it. However, if the pain persists, it is time to call for help. 

Our professional dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, can check the affected area, investigate the root cause of the toothache, diagnose the condition, and determine the next steps. 

Is it your wisdom teeth that’s bothering you? Or will it be root canal therapy, a bout of tooth extractions, or just pure pain medications you need?

Only our emergency dentists in Colorado Springs would know what to do.

Knocked-out Teeth

Sports injuries and accidents can knock out a tooth or two. If you have a knocked-out tooth, the first thing to remember is to remain calm.

Secure the tooth, keep it moist, and try to put it back in its socket, but do not touch its root.

Should this be impossible, get a plastic bag and partially fill it with cold milk. Submerge the tooth in the milk and let it stay there while trying to access emergency dental care.

If it is broken teeth or fractured teeth that you are dealing with, use gauze to control the bleeding gums. In the absence of gauze, paper towels also work. 

However, do not stop here. 

Seek emergency dental care for your knocked-out or broken tooth. When left untreated, this can lead to so much pain, further decay, and may even lead to a tooth infection.

Tooth Fillings

With lost fillings, you can usually replace them with sugar-free gum while getting access to much-needed emergency dental care. Remember, however, that this is temporary.

You still need to schedule an emergency appointment to fix that loose tooth filling or replace a missing one.

Call our office immediately to learn more about our emergency dental care services. Colorado Springs, CO, would be so much fun if we could get rid of such discomfort.

Aside from eliminating the discomfort, it is crucial that patients receive the emergency care they need from professionals. Proper treatment and recovery are crucial in obtaining optimum oral health.

Differentiating When to Call An Emergency Dentist versus A Regular Dentist

Emergency Dentist Colorado SpringsUnderstanding and differentiating whether you need an emergency dentist or a regular dentist is always important.

So, when do you call for an emergency dentist?

Emergency Dentist

You can seek the help of an urgent care dentist when you have severe and urgent dental concerns. 

Examples of these are intense toothaches, infections that come with facial swelling and even fever, knocked out teeth or broken teeth due to an accident, and sometimes uncontrolled bleeding of the gums or mouth.

These dental issues warrant a same-day appointment with our licensed professional.

Regular Dentist

On the other hand, regular dentists can work with non-urgent dental issues. Examples are minor toothaches, regular check-ups, routine cleanings, cosmetic procedures, and minor toothaches.

However, if you are unsure about your condition, it is always advisable to err on the side of caution. 

A loose tooth, for example, that may or may not cause so much pain can be trouble brewing. 

Call our office and schedule emergency care. We offer same-day appointments, so there is no need ignore that dental emergency or wait until the next business hour to receive the much-needed care.

Cost Considerations and Financial Options – Dental Emergencies

Cost considerations during dental emergencies are important. Remember that dental emergencies strike just about anywhere, hence the importance of being prepared physically, mentally, and financially.

Same-day appointments for dental emergencies are usually unexpected expenses. Aside from medications and consultations, there are extra costs like laboratory tests, x-rays, and much more when needed.

Thus, it is important that you understand your dental insurance coverage, as some policies cover treatments while others may not.

Funds for emergencies can always cover an unexpected visit to the emergency room.

Make sure that in your next visit, you discuss and compare prices with your dentist to help you make informed decisions better.

Colorado Springs Emergency Dental Squad offers many payment options. Our office staff will happily discuss these and schedule an appointment with our dental professional.

If you need dental care in Colorado Springs, call us immediately. Set an appointment for later, or visit our office now. 

We accept walk-ins and same-day transactions even beyond normal business hours.


Emergency Dental Squad

6436 S Hwy 85-87, Colorado Springs, CO 80911

(855) 907-3090


Communities We Serve:
80918, 80920, 80909, 80916, 80906, 80917, 80910, 80907, 80919, 80923, 80922, 80904, 80905, 80903, 80915, 80921, 80924, 80908, 80927, 80809, 80829, 80831, 80902, 80911, 80912, 80913, 80925, 80926, 80928, 80929,80930, 80938, 80939, 80951, 80940, 80941, 80942, 80943, 80944, 80945, 80946, 80947, 80950, 80977, 80995, 80997, 80914, 80901, 80931, 80932, 80933, 80934, 80935, 80936, 80937, 80949, 80960, 80962, 80970
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